Digital Signage Weather Foreign Language Options

Parlez-vous français?

Standard feeds are in English, but we can also provide your weather feed in many other different languages.
The list from our provider can be found below, click to go to list.

Some of these languages need a little extra time to add to our system, but we will do our best to try and help you out.

If you are interested in getting a weather feed in another language, please contact us to check availability.

Some live foreign language examples are below:

German de-de Germany

Current Conditions for Berlin Forecast Conditions for Berlin

Spanish es-mx Mexico

Current Conditions for Cancun Forecast Conditions for Cancun

French fr-fr France

Current Conditions for Paris Forecast Conditions for Paris

Dutch nl-nl Netherlands

Current Conditions for Amsterdam Forecast Conditions for Amsterdam

The following languages and localizations are supported by AccuWeather APIs.

Begin typing a language or country to filter the list.

Language Language Code Localization
Arabic ar
ar-dz   -   Algeria
ar-bh   -   Bahrain
ar-eg   -   Egypt
ar-iq   -   Iraq
ar-jo   -   Jordan
ar-kw   -   Kuwait
ar-lb   -   Lebanon
ar-ly   -   Libya
ar-ma   -   Morocco
ar-om   -   Oman
ar-qa   -   Qatar
ar-sa   -   Saudi Arabia
ar-sd   -   Sudan
ar-sy   -   Syria
ar-tn   -   Tunisia
ar-ae   -   U.A.E.
ar-ye   -   Yemen
Azerbaijani az
az-latn   -   Latin
az-latn-az   -   Latin, Azerbaijan
Bengali bn
bn-bd   -   Bangladesh
bn-in   -   India
Bosnian bs
bs-ba   -   Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgarian bg
bg-bg   -   Bulgaria
Catalan ca
ca-es   -   Spain
Chinese zh
zh-hk   -   Hong Kong SAR
zh-mo   -   Macao SAR
zh-cn   -   Simplified, PRC
zh-hans   -   Simplified
zh-hans-cn   -   Simplified, China
zh-hans-hk   -   Simplified, Hong Kong SAR China
zh-hans-mo   -   Simplified, Macau SAR China
zh-hans-sg   -   Simplified, Singapore
zh-sg   -   Singapore
zh-tw   -   Taiwan
zh-hant   -   Traditional
zh-hant-hk   -   Traditional, Hong Kong SAR China
zh-hant-mo   -   Traditional, Macau SAR China
zh-hant-tw   -   Traditional, Taiwan
Croatian hr
hr-hr   -   Croatia
Czech cs
cs-cz   -   Czech Republic
Danish da
da-dk   -   Denmark
Dutch nl
nl-aw   -   Aruba
nl-be   -   Belgium
nl-cw   -   Curacao
nl-nl   -   Netherlands
nl-sx   -   Sint Maarten
English en
en-as   -   American Samoa
en-us   -   United States
en-au   -   Australia
en-bb   -   Barbados
en-be   -   Belgium
en-bz   -   Belize
en-bm   -   Bermuda
en-bw   -   Botswana
en-cm   -   Cameroon
en-ca   -   Canada
en-gh   -   Ghana
en-gu   -   Guam
en-gy   -   Guyana
en-hk   -   Hong Kong SAR China
en-in   -   India
en-ie   -   Ireland
en-jm   -   Jamaica
en-ke   -   Kenya
en-mw   -   Malawi
en-my   -   Malaysia
en-mt   -   Malta
en-mh   -   Marshall Islands
en-mu   -   Mauritius
en-na   -   Namibia
en-nz   -   New Zealand
en-ng   -   Nigeria
en-mp   -   Northern Mariana Islands
en-pk   -   Pakistan
en-ph   -   Philippines
en-rw   -   Rwanda
en-sg   -   Singapore
en-za   -   South Africa
en-tz   -   Tanzania
en-th   -   Thailand
en-tt   -   Trinidad and Tobago
en-um   -   U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
en-vi   -   U.S. Virgin Islands
en-ug   -   Uganda
en-gb   -   United Kingdom
en-zm   -   Zambia
en-zw   -   Zimbabwe
Estonian et
et-ee   -   Estonia
Farsi fa
fa-af   -   Afghanistan
fa-ir   -   Iran
Filipino fil
fil-ph   -   Philippines
Finnish fi
fi-fi   -   Finland
French fr
fr-dz   -   Algeria
fr-be   -   Belgium
fr-bj   -   Benin
fr-bf   -   Burkina Faso
fr-bi   -   Burundi
fr-cm   -   Cameroon
fr-ca   -   Canada
fr-cf   -   Central African Republic
fr-td   -   Chad
fr-km   -   Comoros
fr-cg   -   Congo - Brazzaville
fr-cd   -   Congo - Kinshasa
fr-ci   -   Cote d'Ivoire
fr-dj   -   Djibouti
fr-gq   -   Equatorial Guinea
fr-fr   -   France
fr-gf   -   French Guiana
fr-ga   -   Gabon
fr-gp   -   Guadeloupe
fr-gn   -   Guinea
fr-lu   -   Luxembourg
fr-mg   -   Madagascar
fr-ml   -   Mali
fr-mq   -   Martinique
fr-mu   -   Mauritius
fr-yt   -   Mayotte
fr-mc   -   Monaco
fr-ma   -   Morocco
fr-ne   -   Niger
fr-re   -   Reunion
fr-rw   -   Rwanda
fr-bl   -   Saint Barthelemy
fr-mf   -   Saint Martin
fr-sn   -   Senegal
fr-sc   -   Seychelles
fr-ch   -   Switzerland
fr-tg   -   Togo
fr-tn   -   Tunisia
German de
de-at   -   Austria
de-be   -   Belgium
de-de   -   Germany
de-li   -   Liechtenstein
de-lu   -   Luxembourg
de-ch   -   Switzerland
Greek el
el-cy   -   Cyprus
el-gr   -   Greece
Gujarati gu
Hebrew he
he-il   -   Israel
Hindi hi
hi-in   -   India
Hungarian hu
hu-hu   -   Hungary
Icelandic is
is-is   -   Iceland
Indonesian id
id-id   -   Indonesia
Italian it
it-it   -   Italy
it-ch   -   Switzerland
Japanese ja
ja-jp   -   Japan
Kannada kn
Kazakh kk
kk-kz   -   Kazakhstan
Korean ko
ko-kr   -   South Korea
Latvian lv
lv-lv   -   Latvia
Lithuanian lt
lt-lt   -   Lithuania
Macedonian mk
mk-mk   -   Macedonia
Malay ms
ms-bn   -   Brunei
ms-my   -   Malaysia
Marathi mr
Norwegian nb
Polish pl
pl-pl   -   Poland
Portuguese pt
pt-ao   -   Angola
pt-br   -   Brazil
pt-cv   -   Cape Verde
pt-gw   -   Guinea-Bissau
pt-mz   -   Mozambique
pt-pt   -   Portugal
pt-st   -   Sao Tome and Principe
Punjabi pa
pa-in   -   India
Romanian ro
ro-md   -   Moldova
ro-mo   -   Republic of Moldova
ro-ro   -   Romania
Russian ru
ru-md   -   Moldova
ru-mo   -   Republic of Moldova
ru-ru   -   Russia
ru-ua   -   Ukraine
Serbian sr
sr-latn   -   Latin
sr-latn-ba   -   Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina
sr-me   -   Montenegrin
sr-rs   -   Serbia
Slovak sk
sk-sk   -   Slovakia
Slovenian sl
sl-sl   -   Slovenia
Spanish es
es-ar   -   Argentina
es-bo   -   Bolivia
es-cl   -   Chile
es-co   -   Colombia
es-cr   -   Costa Rica
es-do   -   Dominican Republic
es-ec   -   Ecuador
es-sv   -   El Salvador
es-gq   -   Equatorial Guinea
es-gt   -   Guatemala
es-hn   -   Honduras
es-419   -   Latin America
es-mx   -   Mexico
es-ni   -   Nicaragua
es-pa   -   Panama
es-py   -   Paraguay
es-pe   -   Peru
es-pr   -   Puerto Rico
es-es   -   Spain
es-us   -   United States
es-uy   -   Uruguay
es-ve   -   Venezuela
Swahili sw
sw-cd   -   Democratic Republic of the Congo
sw-ke   -   Kenya
sw-tz   -   Tanzania
sw-ug   -   Uganda
Swedish sv
sv-fi   -   Finland
sv-se   -   Sweden
Tagalog tl
Tamil ta
ta-in   -   India
ta-lk   -   Sri Lanka
Telegu te
te-in   -   India
Thai th
th-th   -   Thailand
Turkish tr
tr-tr   -   Turkey
Ukrainian uk
uk-ua   -   Ukraine
Urdu ur
ur-bd   -   Bangladesh
ur-in   -   India
ur-np   -   Nepal
ur-pk   -   Pakistan
Uzbek uz
uz-latn   -   Latin
uz-latn-uz   -   Latin, Uzbekistan
Vietnamese vi
vi-vn   -   Vietnam

If you would like to discuss your Weather Feed needs, or if you have any other questions, please contact us for more information.